An Audience With Bonnie Meekums
March 8 @ 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Join us as we celebrate International Women’s Day with Author Bonnie Meekums talking about her latest novel A Kind of Family.
Following the death of her parents, Rachel leans on her brother as her only living relative. Until a message arrives telling her he’s focusing on his family, and she needs to find her own. In her forties, Rachel thinks she’s lost her chance at love and the close-knit family she longs for.
A Kind of Family challenges traditional ideas of what constitutes family.
It explores the raw emotions of grief and finds hope in the connections that help us heal.
Bonnie was prompted to write her debut novel, A Kind of Family (2024, Between the Lines Publishing) by her experience of being in a stepfamily, which led her to question traditional models of what constitutes family. She also writes poetry, creative nonfiction, short stores, flash fiction, and, as an escaped academic, professional books about the arts therapies.
Bonnie lives in Mossley, where she shares a house with her husband and sometimes grandchildren whose size is inconsistent with their conviction that they rule the roost. To relax, she grows vegetables that misbehave even more than the grandchildren, walks in the hills, reads, and dances. Bonnie also travels alarming distances now and then, to visit people she loves who have inconveniently chosen to live as far away from her as possible, in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Refreshments will be provided.