An Introduction to Qi Gong
March 25 @ 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM

Take some time out for your mind, body and soul.
Come along and learn this ancient form of movement derived from chinese medical philosophy that engages mind, body and breath.
What is qigong?
- Qigong is a system of coordinated movement, breathing, and meditation
- It’s part of traditional Chinese medicine
- The goal is to optimize energy in the body, mind, and spirit
- Qigong is often referred to as the “internal” part of tai chi
How does qigong work?
- Qigong involves regulating the mind, breath, and body’s movement and posture
- It’s characterized by gentle, smooth movements that are repeated
- Qigong involves focusing on a feeling, emotion, or part of the body
What are the benefits of qigong?
- Some say qigong can help with stress, chronic pain, and staying fit
- Qigong can be used for exercise, recreation, preventative medicine, and self-healing