Permanent Displays
Around the building
You can see items from our collections and a range of exhibitions throughout Gallery Oldham.
Follow our new Gallery Trail which highlights objects of interest around the building.
These include several major pieces of art such as John Collier’s The Death of Cleopatra.

This gallery map shows what is where.
Foyer displays

The items displayed in our foyer give some idea of the range of objects in our collections.
They include the magnificent Red Deer Stag and even a motorbike made in Oldham by Bradbury & Co Ltd in 1915.
Ground Floor Stair Well Displays

Here you will find a display highlighting the vast diversity of plant and animal life. Our most splendid Brendel plant models and historical taxidermy including Golden Eagles and Great Bustards are show-cased here. Also the largest fossil in our collection, that of a Jurassic Ichthyosaur
First floor landing displays

These displays curated by staff and visitors are on feature objects from our Social and Natural History Collections.
They include everyday objects from the past, and a number of historical taxidermy specimens.

The Art of the Potter
Since 2007 we have been actively collecting studio ceramics, thanks to a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund’s Collecting Cultures Programme.
Our permanent display The Art of the Potter features a changing selection of work by major potters from the early 20th century to the present.
The display includes pieces to touch and play with, developed in consultation with visually impaired people from Henshaws Society for Blind People.