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Our outdoor spaces

Our Library Plot at Oldham Library

Back in October 2023 a few of the regulars who come along to the Brews Biscuits and Banter group asked if we could possibly acquire some green space and start a gardening project. The garden space outside Oldham Library seemed like the perfect place. it was a blank canvas for us to potentially create something beautiful. Which indeed we have.

Wildflowers in the garden

After much discussion we decided that the garden would need a name, we agreed on ‘Our Library Plot’. We also had Alison our lovely artist who works in the Gallery to design a logo for us.

We were gifted a storage shed, some garden tools and a large bag of soil by Kier, this would set us in good stead to begin our project.

We have 2 or 3 regular members of the group who come along each fortnight and tend to the garden. Some of the other members prefer to work in better weather conditions due to mobility and health issues which is great, the garden is meant for all at any-time of the year.

So far, we have planted lots of wild-flowers that the bees from Gallery Oldham have been pollinating alongside a variety of other insects such as wasps and butterflies. The project is ongoing and so far this year we have managed to grow carrots, onions, strawberries, tomatoes and radishes. All of which tasted delicious and were shared out between the group at the Brews Biscuits and Banter session the week we harvested the crop.

Carrots laid out on the ground

The project has had a positive effect on not only the people who help to create and maintain the garden space but also on the staff who work for HLA that now use the space to sit and have lunch or time out from their desks. They have said what a difference it has made having a beautiful space to sit out in when the sun is shining, and they now have something to look at which brightens their day! Let’s face it we all feel better with a bit of colour in our lives.

Anyone with an interest in gardening is welcome to come along and join in, whether you are a novice or an experienced gardener. We also welcome donations of gardening items such as seeds, bulbs, plants, cuttings and soil.

As a group we aim to be as sustainable as possible, we only use recycled and donated materials, and we have our own compost heap starting and a small pond that we hope to expand on very soon. We will be making some bird boxes and bat boxes in our future Brews Biscuits and Banter sessions to put up in the garden. We certainly are doing our bit for the local wildlife and ecosystem.