Our local studies collections include published items and other information about the Oldham area, such as books, pamphlets, photographs, maps, oral history recordings and newspapers. We also have an extensive collection of material held on microfilm and provide access to digital resources including Ancestry, Find My Past, online map collections and digitised newspapers.
We are updating our online information about some of our sources, so check back regularly for new links below.
- Blue Plaques
- Census Records
- Electoral Registers and Burgess Rolls
- Historical Maps
- Memorial Inscriptions
- Military Sources
- Migrant Communities
- Newspapers and Obituaries
- Parish Registers
- Probate Records
- Roll of Remembrance
- Trade and Telephone Directories
Research Guides
The Local Studies and Archives team have put together some research guides to popular subjects. New guides will be added to the list as we create them.